In past articles, I have written about the power of positive psychological traits
and practices in increasing overall life satisfaction. The sum of the
literature in those domains is that optimism and gratitude psychologically
increase the likelihood, of behavior that is consistent with attaining your
goals, such as improving your health and higher academic achievement. But, is
optimism universally predictive of positive outcomes? For example, does optimism about your relationship predict future marriage satisfaction? Luckily, my
good friend and colleague, Justin Lavner,
is an expert in all things pertaining to intimate partnerships, and he just
published a study asking exactly that question.
These couples were followed every 6 months for the next 4 years
and asked to report their marriage satisfaction. Lavner and his colleagues then
identified trajectories of marriage satisfaction across time and what predicted
trajectories of stable, improving, or declining marriage satisfaction.
As one would hope, newlyweds universally predicted that their
relationships would remain stable or improve over time, while marital
satisfaction universally declined across these 4 years. If you examine these
trajectories by husbands and wives, wives who predicted improvement in
relationship satisfaction experienced the greatest decline in marital
satisfaction compared with those who predicted stability. A similar association
was not present among husbands. This might mean that women’s optimism might represent
doubts about the current status of their relationship.
Further evidence to this point, they also found that women who
predicted that their relationship would improve over the next 4 years had somewhat
lower satisfaction at the time of the initial interview than their stability
predicting peers. Wives predicting improvements in their relationships also had
lower self-esteem, higher use of physical aggression, and higher reported external
stress than wives predicting stability. However, there was no difference in
divorce rates between these couples. So, basically, wives who predicted their
relationship would get “much better” were able to believe that their relationship
would improve within the 1st four years of marriage despite more use
of physical aggression, lower marriage satisfaction at their marriage onset,
and lower self-esteem. The fact that these women experience declines in
relationship satisfaction over time suggests that their ability to remain
optimistic under these conditions only deteriorates.
Most importantly, this data suggests that newlywed couples are
universally optimistic despite premarital doubts about their relationship that
play out in their satisfaction over the first few years of marriage. Thinking back to what we’ve learned about
optimism in the past, these findings only reinforce what I’ve said before.
Optimism is a positive psychological practice as long as it facilitates
behavior. Just believing things will get better is not enough. This study wasn’t
designed to measure behaviors taken by these couples to improve their marriage
satisfaction, and optimism about an improving relationship is only effective
when it leads to behaviors that help achieve that goal. One behavior that may
protect couples from rapidly declining satisfaction in their marriage is participating
in some form of pre-marital counseling which may help couples to address these
issues before they say their vows. This study also identified a specific
subgroup of wives that may benefit from premarital counseling before marriage
to address these issues. Specifically, women who find themselves resorting to physical
aggression against their partners, have lower self-esteem, and have more
stressors in their life.
Interestingly, the study did not find that these risks for
declining marriage satisfaction resulted in higher divorce rates. This may be a
good or a bad thing, but remember they only looked at the first 4 years.
For more on research by Justin Lavner and his colleagues click here.
Lavner, JA, Karney, BR, Bradbury, TN. (2013). Newlyweds' optimistic forecasts of
their marriage: for better or for worse? Journal of Family Psychology, 4,
531-540. doi: 10.1037/a0033423.
I think this can also point to how optimism not based in reality can be futile. Meaning, the wives who were more optimistic about the future of their marriage despite the status quo of their marriage possibly being sub-par are ignoring the reality of their marriage. They are blindly being optimistic despite the evidence in their relationship pointing to possible reasons not to be. There has to be some real validity to the optimism, otherwise you are just hoping for another reality. I agree with you too, they are then hoping for some improvement without changing behaviors to make them happen. You can't just hope for things to change. Thanks for the letting us know about this interesting study!